
Regional workshop: Migration and remittances in the Western Balkans



On 29 August 2013 in Skopje took place the regional workshop: “Migration and remittances in the Western Balkans” jointly organized by Analytica and Albanian Centre for Socio-Economic Research (ACSER). The main idea behind the workshop is presenting the final results of the project “Migration and development in Albania and Macedonia: the effects of remittances on education and health of family members left behind” which was implemented by Analytica and ACSER and prepared in the framework of the RRPP program, and also initiating a debate on the research conducted in Macedonia and the region of Western Balkans on the topic of migration and remittances.

Analytica sent suggestions for the Program for work of the Government of Macedonia for 2014

web_esAna Stojilovska and Magdalena Lembovska prepared suggestions for the Program for work of the Government of Macedonia for 2014 in the areas of energy and security, respectively.



Analytica commenting on the EBRD's Draft Energy Strategy

EBRD_esSonja Zuber and Ana Stojilovska with other SEE SEP members took part on 4 September 2013 in Belgrade in the Stakeholders Consultation Meeting on the EBRD's Draft Energy Strategy. SEE SEP network’s comments were based on this network’s first Red flag report analyzing the investments of EBRD and other IFIs in the Western Balkan region in the past few years highlighting in the report that EBRD should not support investments in coal.

TRAIN 2013: Berlin seminar



Ana Stojilovska and Magdalena Lembovska attended from 25 till 29 June 2013 the midterm regional seminar in Berlin as part of the TRAIN 2013 program (Think Tanks providing Research and Advice through Interaction and Networking) organized by the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP). Analytica is participating in this program with the paper "Security and energy sectors' cooperation with the civil society in Macedonia – friends or foes?" which aims  to assess the cooperativeness of the relevant institutions in the energy and security sector in Macedonia with the civil society following the benchmarks in the Strategy for cooperation of the Government with the civil society.

During the seminar at which 12 researchers from think tanks in Macedonia, Kosovo, Albania, Montenegro, Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina participated, the first drafts of the papers were presented to receive feedback from colleagues and TRAIN trainers. The focus of this seminar was improving the communication strategies and advocacy skills when presenting a policy papers to stakeholders. The TRAIN participants also had the opportunity to meet German stakeholders as Ms Irene Eidemüller, deputy head of Department at the Federal Chancellery and Mr Dietmar Nietan, member of the German Parliament.

The last part of the seminar was the beginning of the TRAIN Alumni Conference at which the TRAIN 2013 generation had the opportunity to meet the former TRAIN generations. Sonja Zuber as former TRAIN participant attended the alumni conference. Topics of the alumni conference were the effects and consequences of Croatia’s EU accession for the Western Balkan countries; the think tanks’ experience in cooperating with stakeholders at national and EU level; as well as the former TRAIN generations were able to tell what happened with their recommendations from the policy papers prepared within the TRAIN program.

Next is the wrap-up seminar in Brussels which aims to enable the think tank researchers to present their findings to EU stakeholders.

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