
Round table “The developmental effects of remittances in Macedonia”, organized by University American College Skopje


On 13.03.2013, Joshevska Jovanka took participation at round table "The development effect of remittances in Macedonia" organized by University American College Skopje. This round table was focused on presenting the general findings of their project: "To consume or self - employ: Evidence from remittances' use in Macedonia". In the discussion the participants shared their findings about the effect of remittances from a different perspective.

Embedding EU expertise workshop


Ana Stojilovska attended on 22-24.02.2013 the workshop "Embedding EU expertise" in Berovo organized by the European Policy Institute. The aim of the meeting was creating a network of young experts that have studied various EU policies abroad as democratization, internal market and trade, economic matters, EU sectoral policies, justice and home affairs, common foreign and security policy and similar.

Brussels Meetings 19-21 February 2013


Research and Management Coordinator Sonja Zuber attended several meetings in Brussels this month. One was the SEE Bankwatch Network events regarding the contests for best citizens’ sustainable project proposals: ‘Better ideas for EU funds’. Ms. Zuber was a jury member in the Macedonian contest.

Analytica commenting on the draft law amending the Energy law submitted by the citizens’ initiative AMAN


Ana Stojilovska participated in the meeting of the Macedonian Parliament's Committee on economy on 07 February 2013 where the first reading of the draft law amending the Energy law submitted by the citizens' initiative AMAN (13.169 citizens) took place.