Analytica sent suggestions for the Program for work of the Government of Macedonia for 2014

web_esAna Stojilovska and Magdalena Lembovska prepared suggestions for the Program for work of the Government of Macedonia for 2014 in the areas of energy and security, respectively.




Ana Stojilovska and Magdalena Lembovska prepared suggestions for the Program for work of the Government of Macedonia for 2014 in the areas of energy and security, respectively. The suggestions are based on Analytica’s research and project results in these areas. The suggested reforms go in direction of creating better environment for investment in energy efficiency, renewables and gasification; and activities that need to be undertaken for improving the intelligence oversight procedures. This possibility for sending suggestion for the Government’s Program is based on the Codex of good practices for participation of the civil sector in the policy making process adopted in 2011.

The complete document with Analytica’s suggestions can be accessed here.