
Promotional event for the report „Energy and security sector governance in Macedonia: how to improve its efficiency?“


Promotional_esOn 30th of May Analytica organized an event for promotion of the policy paper called „Energy and security sector governance in Macedonia: how to improve its efficiency?“ .


Analytica at 85th NATO PA ROSE-ROTH Seminar

nato_seminar_esAnalytica's Security Research Fellow Andreja Bogdanovski participated at the 85th NATO Parliamentary Assembly ROSE-ROTH Seminar in Sarajevo from 18-20 March. He addressed the audience on the panel "Prospects for EU and NATO Enlargement in the Western Balkans" talking about public support with focus on Macedonia.


Brussels’ advocacy of SEE SEP Network

Bru_esOn the 20th of March 2014 took place the conference An Energy community for the future at the European Parliament in Brussels. At the same place gathered politicians, ministers, experts, public servants, CSO representatives from all over Europe to discuss the future of the Energy Community of South-east Europe.


Учество на граѓанскиот сектор во програмирањето на ИПА 2014-2020

ucestvo_esИмајќи ја предвид важноста на ЕУ фондовите во Македонија, Еко-свест и партнерските организации Аналитика, Фронт 21/42, МЦЕО, ЕПИ, Реактор, Асоцијација Зенит, поддржани од Центар за граѓански комуникации, УСАИД и ФООМ спроведоа дводневна работилница за граѓанските организации во врска со ИПА 2014-2020.