Analytica at 85th NATO PA ROSE-ROTH Seminar

nato_seminar_esAnalytica's Security Research Fellow Andreja Bogdanovski participated at the 85th NATO Parliamentary Assembly ROSE-ROTH Seminar in Sarajevo from 18-20 March. He addressed the audience on the panel "Prospects for EU and NATO Enlargement in the Western Balkans" talking about public support with focus on Macedonia.



Analytica's Security Research Fellow Andreja Bogdanovski participated at the 85th NATO Parliamentary Assembly ROSE-ROTH Seminar in Sarajevo. He addressed the audience on the panel "Prospects for EU and NATO Enlargement in the Western Balkans" talking about public support with focus on Macedonia. He spoke about the high level of support for EU and NATO integrations in Macedonia while at the same time illuminating an increase of Euro-Atlantic scepticism pushed through state influenced media. He attributed this development as a result of the stalemated EU & NATO integrations. He then spoke about the internal developments within the EU itself and how these also impact the views from the Western Balkans on the Union. The possibility for In/Out referendum in the UK, rise of euro scepticism, enlargement fatigue, attitudes towards migrants and the increasing support for far right political parties were all mentioned. Lastly Mr. Bogdanovski shed light on how the Ukraine crisis and the role of the EU and NATO have been perceived throughout the Western Balkans. Apart from Kosovo and Albania where the EU and NATO are predominantly seen as having a positive influence, for the rest of the region their role has been presented as inflammatory. This is due to various reasons such as the legacies from the 1999 intervention in Yugoslavia, the evolving ties with Russia, EU’s in/effective common foreign and security policy etc. More about the Rose-Roth seminars can be found here;
