Embedding EU expertise workshop


Ana Stojilovska attended on 22-24.02.2013 the workshop "Embedding EU expertise" in Berovo organized by the European Policy Institute. The aim of the meeting was creating a network of young experts that have studied various EU policies abroad as democratization, internal market and trade, economic matters, EU sectoral policies, justice and home affairs, common foreign and security policy and similar.


Ana Stojilovska attended on 22-24.02.2013 the workshop "Embedding EU expertise" in Berovo organized by the European Policy Institute. The aim of the meeting was creating a network of young experts that have studied various EU policies abroad as democratization, internal market and trade, economic matters, EU sectoral policies, justice and home affairs, common foreign and security policy and similar. The purpose of establishing this network is greater knowledge exchange and absorbing their EU expertise and experience for the EU accession process of Macedonia.
The project is supported by the British Embassy in Skopje and was initiated as an answer to the non-existence of an overall umbrella network of alumni of different European scholarship programs, which could potentially be used as a useful resource for Macedonia on its Euro Atlantic reform path.
At the workshop the goals and the development of this network were discussed. The participants had diverse educational background and professional engagement (academia, business, administration, civil society, unemployed etc.) and were alumni of various scholarship programs. Next steps include publishing policy papers on various EU topics to contribute towards diversification of the public debate in Macedonia.

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