The COVID-19 crisis is having an unprecedented social and economic impact in the EBRD region and worldwide. The impact is as severe in the infrastructure sector as in the rest of the economy, and is felt on both the central and local level.
Analytica Think Tank, in collaboration with the World Bank North Macedonia - Светска банка Северна Македонија, has published a study on the use of heated
tobacco products (HTPs) and e-cigarettes in North Macedonia.
Aim of the project: Determining the situation and effects of the adopted measures to deal with KOVID-19, on vulnerable groups of citizens (workers from the informal economy or cultural workers, catering sector, trade and domestic workers), as well as creating a basis for improving existing measures / policies and creating greater resistance this category of citizens to the consequences of similar crises in the future.
The goal of the project strengthening gender balance in vocational secondary schools for young girls and boys when choosing a future profession through education is to improve the local community support to gender equality through education by generating knowledge, diffusing experiences and providing learning opportunities on how the promotion of gender equality can occur through dialogue and capacity development in development cooperation in the education sector.
In September 2017, with support of CIVICA MOBILITAS, Analyica think tank started working on 6 months project, for transparency and accountability of public finances, but with special focus on public private partnership (PPP). The main research topic of the project is the legal framework for PPPs, PPP contracts, the process of implementation and monitoring of PPPs, as well as the challenges that institutions and companies are facing with in the process of implementation of PPPs.
In the next five years, Analytica together with Development Solutions Associates (Albania), Banja Luka University (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Faculty of Economics-Split (Croatia), Center for Political Courage (Kosovo), Institute for Socio-Economic Analyzes (Montenegro) and the coordinator Institute for Economic Sciences (Serbia), will work on a project funded by Bloomberg (USA) and implemented through the Chicago Illinois University (UIC).
In December 2016 Analytica think tank and ELIAMEP (Greece) started working on one year joint research project examining various layers of cooperation between Macedonia and Greece such as cross-border cooperation as well as education.
Analytica is happy to announce its next CVE related project titled ‘Working towards resilient communities’. The duration of the project will be 12 months, and it will include two segments.