Coordinated participation of civil society in the programming of IPA funds (PRAG - programming relevant for active citizens)
Учество на граѓанскиот сектор во програмирањето на ИПА 2014-2020
Покана за учество во работилница
Analytica together with Zenit, Institute for European Policy, Eko-Svest as project coordinators, Front 21/42, Macedonian Center for European Training and with the support of Reaktor and Center for Civil Communications won the projectCoordinated participation of civil society in the programming of IPA funds (PRAG - programming relevant for active citizens) funded by USAID. In the following months the informal network will implement the project which objectives are: Strengthening the civil society and promoting their contribution to the IPA 2014-2020 programming period; Strengthening civil society participation in the preparation of the National Strategy Document (NSD); Establishing formal structure with elected representatives from civil society to implement the principle of partnership with the central governmental institutions in Macedonia.
Expected results of the project:
1.1 . CSOs understand the programming of EU funds and are willing to engage in future processes of programming of the IPA II in Macedonia;
1.2 . Civil society organizations provide substantive comments on the NSD to ensure the sustainable development of Macedonia;
2.1 . CSOs have elected their representatives (in each sector according to the sectors listed in the Strategic Document for Macedonia for IPA 2014-2020);
2.2. A network of over 100 civil society organizations and their representatives will actively inform the Government and the public for their views and intentions for future participation in the programming of IPA II;
2.3. Will put pressure on the Government to include the legitimately elected representatives of CSOs in a structure that provides information and active participation of civil society in the programming of IPA II.
Main activities include:
- Providing access to the proposed National Strategy Document in Macedonian and Albanian;
- Organizing consultative workshops for civil society;
- Setting links between civil society, government and the European Commission;
- Advocacy and information.
Main representative of Analytica to the project: Research and Management Coordinator
Sonja Zuber This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Американскиот народ, преку УСАИД, има инвестирано околу 500 милиони американски долари во Македонија од 1993. УСАИД работи со луѓето од Македонија за да креира работни места, да се зајакнат демократските институции и практики, да се подобри интегрираното образование и студентите да се подготват за работна сила. Овие иницијативи го подобруваат квалитетот на живот и ја поддржуваат македонската транзиција кон една стабилна и просперитетна демократија. УСАИД обезбедува економска и хуманитарна помош во повеќе од 100 земји. За повеќе информации посетете ја веб страницата или