
Energy and security sector governance in Macedonia: how to improve its efficiency?



File-pdf-32Energy and security sector governance in Macedonia: how to improve its efficiency?


Analytica was granted the project called „Energy and security sector governance in Macedonia: how to improve its efficiency?“ funded under the Slovak and Balkan Public Policy Fund Programme with the support of Slovak Aid, implemented by Pontis Foundation and the Balkan Civil Society Development Network (BCSDN). The project will be implemented in a period of 5 months.

The aim of the Slovak and Balkan Public Policy Fund Programme is to contribute to capacity building of civil society organizations of the Western Balkans and their engagement in creation of public policy in regards to the EU integration process.

Analytica as part of this project will prepare a policy paper called „Energy and security sector governance in Macedonia: how to improve its efficiency?“ which aims to analyze the energy and security sector governance in Macedonia by focusing on the sectors‘ institutions‘ efficiency in order to draft recommendations for its improvement by drawing lessons from positive Slovak examples.

The energy and security sector governance in Macedonia, which is defined as a process of decision-making and the process by which decisions are implemented or not implemented in the respective areas, have been subjected to reforming due to the Macedonia‘s determination to join EU and NATO. However, due to these sectors‘ closedness and resistance to reform processes, there has been lack of efficiency in their performance as well as many identified bottlenecks in the sectors‘ governance structure, stepping out in negative regard when compared to other sectors. This concept of efficiency means that processes and institutions produce results that meet the needs of society while making the best use of resources at their disposal.

Thus, this research aims to analyze the energy and security sector governance in Macedonia by focusing on the sectors‘ institutions‘ efficiency in order to draft recommendations for its improvement by drawing lessons from positive Slovak examples, a newer EU and NATO member and former communist country which has noted good development in the mentioned two sectors. The project’s overall aim is contributing to better application of the good governance principles in the two sectors in Macedonia.

The project‘s motivation lies in need for constant assessment of the closed energy and security sectors in Macedonia, and that both areas have been with years in the main research focus of Analytica. Main activities as part of this project include desktop and field research both in Macedonia and Slovakia, preparing the policy paper, its promotion and dissemination.

For more information on the project, please contact Magdalena Lembovska This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and Ana Stojilovska This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Information about the promotional event at the website of BCSDN

The paper "Energy and security sector governance in Macedonia: how to improve its efficiency?" published in a SBPPF Policy Papers Joint Publication 2014

The paper "Energy and security sector governance in Macedonia: how to improve its efficiency?" published in the Rule of Law II - SlovakAid Grantees part of the SBPPF Policy Papers Joint Publication 2014

Promotional event for the report „Energy and security sector governance in Macedonia: how to improve its efficiency?"

Regional Project on Police Corruption

The project is a set of three workshops organized in 2013 by the Geneva Center for Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF) for representatives of several Western Balkans CSOs, including Analytica. These workshops aim to provide training both on issues of police corruption and in research methods, with the overall purpose of enabling participating CSOs to plan, prepare and carry out larger-scale research projects on police corruption in their countries.

Participants were invited to write small research projects to accompany the workshops. Analytica has proposed to undertake a research project entitled “Fighting police corruption: analysis of national policies”, which aims to map and assess the theoretical and practical challenges of implementing anti-corruption measures in Macedonia.

File-pdf-32"Mechanisms for Fighting Police Corruption in the Republic of Macedonia-Legal and Institutional Set Up"

Regional Security in the context of European Integration


Security Fence Image - 001

The region of Western Balkans has endured a complex past of conflicts and mistrust between ethnicities and state structures. Various international stakeholders have been involved through various missions and programmes to try to pacify and bring lasting stability to the region.

The promise of European perspective as well as various instruments of assistance has helped to create some of the root socio-economic and ethnic causes of conflicts and lack of regional cooperation. While a number of Western Balkans countries are at varying levels of contractual relations with the EU and have managed to strengthen the security structures, Kosovo, Macedonia and Albania have struggled in the path for various political, social and economic reasons. The issue of security sector reform in Albania, Macedonia and Kosovo has involved a number of international actors. There are two essential streams of external influences in reforming the pillars of security apparatus namely (a) NATO membership and conditionality and (b) EU stabilization and Association Process (SAP) and Visa liberalization process.

Therefore, the project "Regional Security in the context of European Integration" was launched in order to examine the challenges of Europeanization of the security sector in Macedonia, Albania and Kosovo. Leading partner of the project is the Kosovar Center for Security Studies from Pristine and Analytica is project partner, along with the Institute for Democracy and Mediation from Tirana.

The main objectives of this project are:

a. To further strengthen the cooperation and confidence-building framework in the field of security between Kosovo, Macedonia and Albania;

b. To open new channels of communication and dialogue between security officials, policy-makers and civil society;

c. To substantiate and promote a more inclusive approach in security sector;

d. To explore the challenges and propose steps of addressing security challenges in the context of EU integration.

The project is supported by the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and will be implemented until the end of November, 2013.

For more information on the project, please contact Magdalena Lembovska at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Conference: Progress in the Europeanization of the Security Sector in Albania, Kosovo and Macedonia

File-pdf-32Progress in the Europeanization of the security sector in Albania, Kosovo and Macedonia


TRAIN Programme 2013



Analytica was accepted for the second time to be part of the TRAIN Programme (Think Tanks providing Research and Advice through Interaction and Networking) funded by the Federal Foreign Office (Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe) and run by the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP).

Analytica’s research team will be composed by Ana Stojilovska and Magdalena Lembovska. They will work on the paper “Security and energy sectors’ cooperation with the civil society in Macedonia – friends or foes?” The aim of this policy paper is to assess the cooperativeness of the relevant institutions in the energy and security sector in Macedonia with the civil society following the benchmarks in the Strategy for cooperation of the Government with the civil society and offering also comparison between these two sectors. The overall aim is getting a precise picture regarding the real cooperation of these “closed” sectors with the civil society and their will to engage themselves in such cooperation, thus drafting concrete recommendations for improving the situation.


The programme seeks to foster a fruitful policy dialogue between think tanks and political actors in the Western Balkans. Think tanks and independent policy research institutes in the region play a crucial role in supporting, but also critically analyzing the comprehensive transformation processes of their countries on the way to the European Union.

Especially with a view to the European integration process, the voice of regional think tanks and their impact upon national policy-making must be strengthened and their visibility and credibility vis-à-vis EU actors enhanced. In order to build the necessary institutional capacity in the countries concerned and to support networking within the region as well as in Brussels, the programme focuses on four areas:

- Training to build upon and enhance existing capacities;

- Regional co-operation to exchange good practices;

- Interaction with national political actors to influence policy debates;

- Networking with EU actors to increase visibility on the Brussels stage.

The TRAIN programme is divided into four key stages:

1. An introductory regional seminar will offer the occasion to set the research agenda, exchange good practices, and begin networking. Targeted workshops will aim to enhance existing capacities with regard to the drafting of policy papers, media relations, and efficient dissemination strategies.

2. A mid-term seminar in Berlin will allow for reviewing of the draft policy papers and discussion with relevant actors from the German policy scene on the chosen topics.

3. A wrap-up seminar in Brussels will allow the participating think tanks to present their findings to EU decision-makers and thus to establish contacts with relevant Brussels actors.

4. The dissemination stage of the programme will take place at the national level and should bring together key decision-makers and stakeholders. Building upon the findings in the policy papers, think tanks should establish a fruitful policy dialogue and actively feed their ideas into the policy process.

File-pdf-32Security and energy sectors' cooperation with the civil society in Macedonia – friends or foes?

File-pdf-32Соработка на секторите за безбедност и енергетика со граѓанското општество во Македонија – (не)пријатели?

TRAIN 2013: Brussels seminar


Research poster based on TRAIN 2013 project


Analytica participated in Researchers' Night – Macedonia 2013


TRAIN 2013: Berlin seminar 


TRAIN 2013: Zagreb seminar


The paper “Security and energy sectors’ cooperation with the civil society in Macedonia – friends or foes?” is available at the website of DGAP and there is information about it at the website of BCSDN

Information about the TRAIN 2013 project at the website of DGAP

For more information on the project, please contact Ana Stojilovska This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and Magdalena Lembovska This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

South East Europe Sustainable Energy Policy (SEE SEP)



Sustainable energy: How far has SEE come in the last five years? South East Europe Energy Watchdog Report 2016

Energy Poverty in South East Europe: Surviving the Cold

Југоисточна Европа: Патот кон ЕУ или на Патот кон никаде? Енергетски план за 2050 година: техничка анализа
Југоисточна Европа: ПАТOT КОН ЕУ ИЛИ ПАТОТ КОН НИКАДЕ? Енергетски план за 2050 година: Водич кон иднината

Energy poverty workshop
Енергетска сиромаштија во Југоисточна Европа: Преживувајќи го студот
"Energy conference - “The future of energy, where Macedonia and EU meet”

File-pdf-32Contribution of SEE SEP programme to EU Progress Reports 2016: South East Europe Energy Watchdog Report 2016

File-pdf-32SOUTH EAST EUROPE: THE EU ROAD OR THE ROAD TO NOWHERE? An energy roadmap for 2050: Technical analysis

File-pdf-32SOUTH EAST EUROPE: THE EU ROAD OR THE ROAD TO NOWHERE? An energy roadmap for 2050: A guide to the future

File-pdf-32Победници и губитници – кој има корист од корупцијата на високо ниво во енергетскиот сектор на Југоисточна Еворпа?

File-pdf-32Winners and Losers - Who benefits from high-level corruption in the South East Europe energy sector?

File-pdf-32Warm, safe, clean energy. Which path is Macedonia taking

File-pdf-32Топла, безбедна, чиста енергија. Кој е патот кој го одбира Македонија

File-pdf-32Ngrohtësi, siguri, energiji, e pastër. Cilën rrugë Maqedonia është duke e marrë

Act now for warmer homes, local jobs and cleaner air!

Преземете нешто за потопли домови, локални работни места и почист воздух!


"Energy conference - “The future of energy, where Macedonia and EU meet”

Analytica is proud to present the South East Europe 2050 Energy Calculator!

Our video game is out! Try the Energy Model 2050 for Southeast Europe and create your own scenarios

Energy modeling, climate change and the COP 21

South East Europe 2050 Energy Model – Conclusions on the Call for Evidence process.

A fair, clean, efficient energy system in SEE and the neighborhood

Call for evidence - Breaking the monopoly on non-public data in the energy sector is crucial for the process of transparencyBreaking the monopoly on non-public data in the energy sector is crucial for the process of transparency

Analytica's input regarding the future of the Energy Community

Public Consultation - Regarding the process of identifying Projects of Energy Community Interest (PECIs)


Инвестирај набрзина, ќе се каеш полека

As from December 2014, the SEE SEP project entered in the next phase which will last, just like the first phase, for two years. The project's objectives, activities and results for this period are:

Objectives - the overall objective of the action is to enhance the collaborative capacity of SEE SEP partners to engage in fact based dialogue with key decisions makers to influence policy and practice, for a more sustainable energy system in South East Europe aligned with key EU Policies and Directives including 2020, 2030 targets and 2050 Road Map.

Specific Objectives:

i) to increase the CSO networks capacity to engage with policy makers by utilising "best practice" analytic tools such as the OPE2RA energy model, policy products and watch dog reports;

ii) to increase the transparency and strengthen the credibility of the SEE SEP partners, in cooperation with International Partners & Associates, through the development of targeted public advocacy campaigns and engagement strategies;

iii) to strengthen the coordination - to act in synchronisation - of key individuals from Partner organisations and strengthen management by developing baseline assessment, Monitoring & Evaluation, and Results Based Management capacities.

Overview of Activities - key SEE SEP activities include:

Activity 1: – Development and launch of SEESEP Policy Documents: Low Carbon Energy Strategy based on a populated energy model and chosen scenario; Development of Red Flag Reports – two reports will be developed on – Energy Efficiency and Energy Poverty; Watch Dog Report – which will show progress towards fairer, cleaner and safer energy system in SEE in a period 2012-2016; and Energy Community position paper(s)

Activity 2. – Public Advocacy: SEE SEP Public Advocacy Strategy and campaigning developed and executed for each policy initiative

Activity 3. - Results Based Management and Leadership Coaching: Development of SEESEP Monitoring and Evaluation Matrix and ongoing monitoring of the policy reform and measurement of performance based on the M&E Matrix; Leadership Coaching Program including one Leadership Training.

Expected Results:

i.a) increased awareness and acceptance amongst all decision makers regarding "best practice" solutions for a more sustainable energy policies in SEE, which is better aligned to EC Policies and Directives;

i.b) provision of policy products which would allow target audiences to more easily be able to grasp the impact of policy decisions and key decision makers guided to actions which will lead to a fairer, less corrupt, cleaner and safer energy system in SEE.

ii) improved support for and deepened faith in CSOs to articulate clearly and coherently needs and concerns of the 'silent majority' in relation to key challenges in the energy sector in SEE;

iii) thoughtfully designed M&E system and leadership coaching program which would empower and enable SEESEP partners to better monitor the energy policy reform process, to improve its engagement strategies accordingly and act in synchronicity for desired outcomes and impact.

Starting from 15th of January 2013, Analytica as a partner joined 16 other organisations from the region of South-Eastern Europe in a regional partnership called South East Europe Sustainable Energy Policy or SEE SEP for the purposes of conducting a 2+2 years project granted by the European Commission through its Partnership Programmes for Civil Society Organisations.

Partners in the project: Coordinators – SEE Change Net from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Other partners: Environmental Center for Development Education and Networking (EDEN), The Ekolevizja Group from Albania; CZZS Centar za zivotnu sredinu, Centar za zastupanje građanskih interesa (Public Interest Advocacy Center –CPI) from Bosnia and Herzegovina; Society for Sustainable Development Design (Društvo za oblikovanje održivog razvoja - abbr. DOOR), Forum za slobodu odgoja (Forum for Freedom in Education) from Croatia; ATRC – Advocacy Training and Resource Center from Kosovo; Eko – Svest, Environmental Citizens’ Association “Front 21/42” from Macedonia (apart from Analytica); NGO Zeleni dom - Green Home,  MANS – Mreza za afirmaciju nevladinog sektora from Montenegro; NGO Fractal (Fraktal), CEKOR – Center for Ecology and Sustainable Development from Serbia; Nativa, Institute for Sustainable Growth from Slovenia; WWF European Policy Programme Rome Branch; CEE Bankwatch Network Czech Republic.

Objectives of the action: To enhance the collaborative capacity of CSO networks and empower citizens to engage in fact based dialogue with key decisions makers to influence policy and practice for a more sustainable energy system in South East Europe, aligned with key EU Policies and Directives. Specific Objectives: i) to increase the CSO networks efforts to go “beyond protest” by utilising, in conjunction with European Partners & Associates, “best practice” analytic tools for energy modelling and scenario building for a costed alternative low carbon energy sector; ii) to increase the transparency and credibility of the SEE CSO energy network, in cooperation with International Partners & Associates, through the development of targeted public advocacy campaigns; iii) to improve and professionalise the level of shadow monitoring & reporting in relation to key energy sector challenges, including energy poverty, corruption, environmental damage and poor application of EU laws and directives.

Stakeholders: The following stakeholders will be affected by the action: citizens of SEE, Governments and energy providers, the European Commission, international financial institutions, CSOs.

Results: Expected Results are: i) increased awareness and acceptance amongst all decision makers regarding “best practice” solutions for a more sustainable energy policies in SEE, which is better aligned to EC Policies and Directives; ii) improved public support for and faith in CSOs to articulate clearly and coherently needs and concerns of the „silent majority‟ in relation to key challenges in the energy sector in SEE; iii) public more easily able to grasp the impact of policy decisions on their lives and key decision makers guided to actions which will lead to a fairer, less corrupt, cleaner and safer energy system in SEE.

Main Activities: The following activities will be implemented within the 6-month Inception Phase: 0.1: Establishment of Project Management Structures and Network Co-ordination Mechanisms, 0.2: Review and Selection of Most Applicable Energy Model and Scenario Building Techniques for a More Sustainable Energy Sector Development, 0.3: Identification & Prioritisation of Key Stakeholders, Drafting of the SEE SEP Advocacy Strategy by Exchanging Experience in Advocacy Practices, 0.4: Preparation and Presentation of the Inception Report. Inception Phase will be followed by implementation of key SEE SEP activities, which are: 1. Development and launch of the Low Carbon Energy Strategy based on a selected energy model, which produces material for policy options based various scenarios, 2. Public Advocacy Strategy development and campaigning, 3. Launch of Watch Dog Reports (3 Reports on: Corruption, EIA/SEA, IFI investments) and development of Yearly Monitoring Reports.

SEE SEP Kick off meeting in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 12/02/2013 - 14/02/2013. This kick off meeting was the official launching of the regional project: South East Europe Sustainable Energy Policy (SEE SEP) from the Partnership Programmes for Civil Society Organisations of the European Commission. The objectives and outcomes of this meeting were to: get to know each-outer in the consortium; create clarity on common goals within the framework of SEE SEP project; lay foundations for collaborative, efficient and effective functioning of SEE SEP partnership and network; create clarity on the main outputs and tasks in the framework of SEE SEP project; intro to OPE2RA energy model, its application in the SEE context and next steps. More info on the project will follow.

Project leader: Sonja Risteska This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Project assistant: Ana Stojilovska This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

South East Europe Sustainable Energy Policy (SEE SEP)



Sustainable energy: How far has SEE come in the last five years? South East Europe Energy Watchdog Report 2016

Energy Poverty in South East Europe: Surviving the Cold

Југоисточна Европа: Патот кон ЕУ или на Патот кон никаде? Енергетски план за 2050 година: техничка анализа
Југоисточна Европа: ПАТOT КОН ЕУ ИЛИ ПАТОТ КОН НИКАДЕ? Енергетски план за 2050 година: Водич кон иднината

Energy poverty workshop
Енергетска сиромаштија во Југоисточна Европа: Преживувајќи го студот
"Energy conference - “The future of energy, where Macedonia and EU meet”

File-pdf-32Contribution of SEE SEP programme to EU Progress Reports 2016: South East Europe Energy Watchdog Report 2016

File-pdf-32SOUTH EAST EUROPE: THE EU ROAD OR THE ROAD TO NOWHERE? An energy roadmap for 2050: Technical analysis

File-pdf-32SOUTH EAST EUROPE: THE EU ROAD OR THE ROAD TO NOWHERE? An energy roadmap for 2050: A guide to the future

File-pdf-32Победници и губитници – кој има корист од корупцијата на високо ниво во енергетскиот сектор на Југоисточна Еворпа?

File-pdf-32Winners and Losers - Who benefits from high-level corruption in the South East Europe energy sector?

File-pdf-32Warm, safe, clean energy. Which path is Macedonia taking

File-pdf-32Топла, безбедна, чиста енергија. Кој е патот кој го одбира Македонија

File-pdf-32Ngrohtësi, siguri, energiji, e pastër. Cilën rrugë Maqedonia është duke e marrë

Act now for warmer homes, local jobs and cleaner air!

Преземете нешто за потопли домови, локални работни места и почист воздух!


"Energy conference - “The future of energy, where Macedonia and EU meet”

Analytica is proud to present the South East Europe 2050 Energy Calculator!

Our video game is out! Try the Energy Model 2050 for Southeast Europe and create your own scenarios

Energy modeling, climate change and the COP 21

South East Europe 2050 Energy Model – Conclusions on the Call for Evidence process.

A fair, clean, efficient energy system in SEE and the neighborhood

Call for evidence - Breaking the monopoly on non-public data in the energy sector is crucial for the process of transparencyBreaking the monopoly on non-public data in the energy sector is crucial for the process of transparency

Analytica's input regarding the future of the Energy Community

Public Consultation - Regarding the process of identifying Projects of Energy Community Interest (PECIs)


Инвестирај набрзина, ќе се каеш полека

As from December 2014, the SEE SEP project entered in the next phase which will last, just like the first phase, for two years. The project's objectives, activities and results for this period are:

Objectives - the overall objective of the action is to enhance the collaborative capacity of SEE SEP partners to engage in fact based dialogue with key decisions makers to influence policy and practice, for a more sustainable energy system in South East Europe aligned with key EU Policies and Directives including 2020, 2030 targets and 2050 Road Map.

Specific Objectives:

i) to increase the CSO networks capacity to engage with policy makers by utilising "best practice" analytic tools such as the OPE2RA energy model, policy products and watch dog reports;

ii) to increase the transparency and strengthen the credibility of the SEE SEP partners, in cooperation with International Partners & Associates, through the development of targeted public advocacy campaigns and engagement strategies;

iii) to strengthen the coordination - to act in synchronisation - of key individuals from Partner organisations and strengthen management by developing baseline assessment, Monitoring & Evaluation, and Results Based Management capacities.

Overview of Activities - key SEE SEP activities include:

Activity 1: – Development and launch of SEESEP Policy Documents: Low Carbon Energy Strategy based on a populated energy model and chosen scenario; Development of Red Flag Reports – two reports will be developed on – Energy Efficiency and Energy Poverty; Watch Dog Report – which will show progress towards fairer, cleaner and safer energy system in SEE in a period 2012-2016; and Energy Community position paper(s)

Activity 2. – Public Advocacy: SEE SEP Public Advocacy Strategy and campaigning developed and executed for each policy initiative

Activity 3. - Results Based Management and Leadership Coaching: Development of SEESEP Monitoring and Evaluation Matrix and ongoing monitoring of the policy reform and measurement of performance based on the M&E Matrix; Leadership Coaching Program including one Leadership Training.

Expected Results:

i.a) increased awareness and acceptance amongst all decision makers regarding "best practice" solutions for a more sustainable energy policies in SEE, which is better aligned to EC Policies and Directives;

i.b) provision of policy products which would allow target audiences to more easily be able to grasp the impact of policy decisions and key decision makers guided to actions which will lead to a fairer, less corrupt, cleaner and safer energy system in SEE.

ii) improved support for and deepened faith in CSOs to articulate clearly and coherently needs and concerns of the 'silent majority' in relation to key challenges in the energy sector in SEE;

iii) thoughtfully designed M&E system and leadership coaching program which would empower and enable SEESEP partners to better monitor the energy policy reform process, to improve its engagement strategies accordingly and act in synchronicity for desired outcomes and impact.

Starting from 15th of January 2013, Analytica as a partner joined 16 other organisations from the region of South-Eastern Europe in a regional partnership called South East Europe Sustainable Energy Policy or SEE SEP for the purposes of conducting a 2+2 years project granted by the European Commission through its Partnership Programmes for Civil Society Organisations.

Partners in the project: Coordinators – SEE Change Net from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Other partners: Environmental Center for Development Education and Networking (EDEN), The Ekolevizja Group from Albania; CZZS Centar za zivotnu sredinu, Centar za zastupanje građanskih interesa (Public Interest Advocacy Center –CPI) from Bosnia and Herzegovina; Society for Sustainable Development Design (Društvo za oblikovanje održivog razvoja - abbr. DOOR), Forum za slobodu odgoja (Forum for Freedom in Education) from Croatia; ATRC – Advocacy Training and Resource Center from Kosovo; Eko – Svest, Environmental Citizens’ Association “Front 21/42” from Macedonia (apart from Analytica); NGO Zeleni dom - Green Home,  MANS – Mreza za afirmaciju nevladinog sektora from Montenegro; NGO Fractal (Fraktal), CEKOR – Center for Ecology and Sustainable Development from Serbia; Nativa, Institute for Sustainable Growth from Slovenia; WWF European Policy Programme Rome Branch; CEE Bankwatch Network Czech Republic.

Objectives of the action: To enhance the collaborative capacity of CSO networks and empower citizens to engage in fact based dialogue with key decisions makers to influence policy and practice for a more sustainable energy system in South East Europe, aligned with key EU Policies and Directives. Specific Objectives: i) to increase the CSO networks efforts to go “beyond protest” by utilising, in conjunction with European Partners & Associates, “best practice” analytic tools for energy modelling and scenario building for a costed alternative low carbon energy sector; ii) to increase the transparency and credibility of the SEE CSO energy network, in cooperation with International Partners & Associates, through the development of targeted public advocacy campaigns; iii) to improve and professionalise the level of shadow monitoring & reporting in relation to key energy sector challenges, including energy poverty, corruption, environmental damage and poor application of EU laws and directives.

Stakeholders: The following stakeholders will be affected by the action: citizens of SEE, Governments and energy providers, the European Commission, international financial institutions, CSOs.

Results: Expected Results are: i) increased awareness and acceptance amongst all decision makers regarding “best practice” solutions for a more sustainable energy policies in SEE, which is better aligned to EC Policies and Directives; ii) improved public support for and faith in CSOs to articulate clearly and coherently needs and concerns of the „silent majority‟ in relation to key challenges in the energy sector in SEE; iii) public more easily able to grasp the impact of policy decisions on their lives and key decision makers guided to actions which will lead to a fairer, less corrupt, cleaner and safer energy system in SEE.

Main Activities: The following activities will be implemented within the 6-month Inception Phase: 0.1: Establishment of Project Management Structures and Network Co-ordination Mechanisms, 0.2: Review and Selection of Most Applicable Energy Model and Scenario Building Techniques for a More Sustainable Energy Sector Development, 0.3: Identification & Prioritisation of Key Stakeholders, Drafting of the SEE SEP Advocacy Strategy by Exchanging Experience in Advocacy Practices, 0.4: Preparation and Presentation of the Inception Report. Inception Phase will be followed by implementation of key SEE SEP activities, which are: 1. Development and launch of the Low Carbon Energy Strategy based on a selected energy model, which produces material for policy options based various scenarios, 2. Public Advocacy Strategy development and campaigning, 3. Launch of Watch Dog Reports (3 Reports on: Corruption, EIA/SEA, IFI investments) and development of Yearly Monitoring Reports.

SEE SEP Kick off meeting in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 12/02/2013 - 14/02/2013. This kick off meeting was the official launching of the regional project: South East Europe Sustainable Energy Policy (SEE SEP) from the Partnership Programmes for Civil Society Organisations of the European Commission. The objectives and outcomes of this meeting were to: get to know each-outer in the consortium; create clarity on common goals within the framework of SEE SEP project; lay foundations for collaborative, efficient and effective functioning of SEE SEP partnership and network; create clarity on the main outputs and tasks in the framework of SEE SEP project; intro to OPE2RA energy model, its application in the SEE context and next steps. More info on the project will follow.

Project leader: Sonja Risteska This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Project assistant: Ana Stojilovska This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

RRPP: Migration and development in Albania and Macedonia: the effects of remittances on education and health of family members left behind



Analytica is happy to announce the winning of the project titled: Migration and development in Albania and Macedonia: the effects of remittances on education and health of family members left behind funded by the Regional Research Promotion Programme for the Western Balkans of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. Analytica will implement this project together with its partner from Albania: the Albanian Centre for Social-Economic Research in Tirana.

Analysis - Illegal Migration and Asylum


Analysis of the national policies and practices for dealing with illegal migration and asylum seekers

The fight against illegal migration is a question of high priority for the Western Balkans. Macedonia with its central location within the Balkan region is vulnerable to illegal migration. From the evidence on the ground it can be concluded that Macedonia is not their final destination, but a transit route to the EU countries. However, many of them also decide to stay and seek better life within Macedonian borders. Although this issue is one of the biggest threats for the region, it is not clear why the EU has not addressed it sufficiently by now. The capacities of the Western Balkan (WB) countries to deal with this issue are questionable as well.

Macedonia is lacking an independent insight into the issues and there has never been an analysis made by independent CSOs tackling the illegal migrations and the asylum seekers in the country.

Analytica have started a project on analyzing national policies and practices for dealing with illegal migration and asylum seekers. The project will be implemented until September 2013. The main objectives of the project are:

-          Assessment of the national solutions dealing with illegal migration and asylum and the capacities of the country to handle illegal migration;

-          Providing recommendations for improvement of the Government policies in the field of migration and asylum;

-          Raising awareness about challenges for dealing with illegal migration;

-          Analysis of the security risks for the country due to the increased number of illegal immigrants.

The project is funded by the Geneva Centre for Democratic Control of the Armed Forces from Switzerland (DCAF).

For more information, please contact Ms. Magdalena Lembovska at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Public debate / Dealing with illegal migration and asylum seekers – Macedonia as a transit country

File-pdf-32Analysis of the national policies and practices dealing with illegal migration and asylum seekers
