Workshop: Debt Bondage in the Balkans: New Research from the European Semi-Periphery

Workshop: Debt Bondage in the Balkans: New Research from the European Semi-Periphery

Freeing the Region from Irresponsible Financial Systems

On the 5th of July, 2017 in Hamburg, Germany, the panel presented the very recent and innovative research on the interlinked crises of public debt, tax injustice and predatory privatisation in the areas of energy, social and public services. The research promotes alternatives, and questions standby arrangements that imprison the region in a failed model of opening to finance.

The G20 have once again returned to the region to finance the repayment of private debt to foreign banks through austerity and extractivism.

With Sonja Risteska (Analytica, Macedonia), Ajda Pistotnik (EnaBanda, Slovenia), Andreja Živković (Fondacija Krila Nade, Bosnia and Herzegovina), Zvezdan Kalmar (CEKOR, Serbia)

More info:

More than 50 initiatives and organizations from Germany and abroad, were attending the Gipfel für globale Solidarität – Global Solidarity Summit which took place on 5 and 6 July in Hamburg, Germany. Our region was also there.

The financial sector must serve the needs of the people and the planet but the G20 still promotes a financial system and monetary policies that create financial instability, social and environmental havoc, inequality, excessive debt and climate change.

We are convinced that other policies are possible!
