Energy andInfrastructure
Throughout the region, the energy sector suffers from a history of under-investment and low standards of maintenance. Macedonia and the wider region of the Western Balkans is expected in coming years to rehabilitate the energy sector in order to improve the electricity supply to homes and businesses. Analytica will provide comprehensive analysis of the relevant institutions, including independent energy regulators and also review possibilities offered by the potential of establishment of the regional market through the Energy Community Treaty.
In addition, Analytica will conduct research on the alternative sources of energy and the possibilities and capacities for their implementation in the region, thus contributing to finding creative solutions for the energy crisis. In its work Analytica will also cover issues on energy efficiency and climate changes, identifying the best environmental friendly policies.
Adjunct Research Fellow of the program: Ana Stojilovska
Programme supervisor: Prof.Phd. Veli Kreci, senior reseacher