Youth Activism for a Sustainable River: Protection and Promotion of Biodiversity in the Treska River

We're thrilled to announce the launch of our latest science project, "Youth Activism for a Sustainable River: Protection and Promotion of Biodiversity in the Treska River"!
Project Goals:
The primary goal is to protect the water and biodiversity of the Treska River while empowering youth and citizens through citizen science.
Key Results:
Threats & Impacts Documented: Identifying and documenting threats from anthropogenic, ecological, and infrastructural sources.
Monitoring & Protection Program: Developing a program for river monitoring and protection, to be adopted by the local community and authorities.
Youth & NGO Training: Training 15 young people and 5 local NGO representatives in citizen science for river biodiversity preservation.
Thematic Quay Development: Creating an informative and educational space along the Treska River.
Field Techniques Training: Training 30 young people in field data collection, sample analysis, and environmental measurement.
Fish Stock Increase: Boosting the population of river trout (Salmo macedonicus) in the Treska River.
Public Awareness: Informing and engaging the local community about the importance of river ecosystem protection.
Why This Matters:
North Macedonia is facing an ecological crisis, with severe air pollution, poor waste management, declining water quality, deforestation, and threatened biodiversity. This project aims to make a significant impact on the preservation of our natural resources, especially focusing on the Treska River and the beautiful Matka Canyon.
By developing monitoring programs, training youth and NGOs, enhancing the river quay, increasing fish populations, and raising public awareness, we aim to improve the condition of the Treska River and promote sustainable development and nature protection.
Join us in this vital initiative to protect our natural treasures and ensure a sustainable future for the Treska River!