On Tuesday, April 5th 2016 Analytica’s security team held a meeting with the heads and members of the “Committee for supervising the work of the Security and Counter-Intelligence Directorate and the Intelligence Agency”.
After many years of collaborating together representatives of six civil society organizations signed the founding act of the “Balkan Security Platform” in Belgrade on March 7, 2016.
On the international Women’s Day 8 March, Analytica’s Security Researcher Andreja Bogdanovski talked about the role of women in Macedonian police in Belgrade, Serbia. Mr. Bogdanovski mentioned that 18% of Ministry of Interior employees are women.
Magdalena Lembovska took part in the “Regional Workshop on Defence Budget Analysis for Parliamentary Staff Advisors and Civil Society Researchers in the Western Balkans” taking place from the 19-21 January 2016 in Belgrade, Serbia.