Workshop on Tobacco Economics for Central and Eastern Europe
Representatives from Analytica Tamara M.Spasova and Bojana Mijovic Hristovska participated on the Workshop for Tobacco Economics related to the research project Accelerating Progress on Effective Tobacco Tax Policies in Low and Middle Income Countries.
Workshop was held in Poland, Warsaw, May 8-10 2018 and the main aim was to provide support in development of a regional research network to build capacities and solid economic analyses. Participants were economists,tobacco control experts, people dealing with health issues, from all over the world, and they talked about current economic research activities in Low and Middle Income Countries and priorities for future research and trainings.
Day 1 included presentations from country case studies, summarizing previous research activities and how research can be implemented and translated into practice and policy. Special notice pointed out was the lack of data and recommendations to overcome this.
Day 2 focused on presentation and discussion of work in progress and identifying research needs and future steps.
Day 3 included presentations regarding methods for estimating the elasticity of tobacco price and demand and its application.