Training: Managing Defence in a Wider Security Context

training_managingFrom 2-13 June Andreja Bogdanovski participated on a two weeks training course on “Managing Defence in a Wider Security Context” organised by the British Embassy in Skopje, Macedonian Ministry of Defence and Cranfield University.



From 2-13 June Andreja Bogdanovski participated on a two weeks training course on “Managing Defence in a Wider Security Context” organised by the British Embassy in Skopje, Macedonian Ministry of Defence and Cranfield University. The aim of the course was to equip state security professionals as well as CSOs working on security issues with comprehensive understanding and tools for security and policy developments. Hence some of the questions that were discussed at the course covered: strategy development, policy formulation, civil-military relations, leadership, human resources management etc. What brought additional value to the course was the participation of representatives from Kosovo, Albania and Montenegro who contributed to the discussions by offering perspectives from their home countries.