TACSO Training on Advocacy 2nd part - Kocani Gradce 5-6 February 2011
Sonja Risteska took part in the second workshop on advocacy and lobbying organized by TACSO in Kocani, Gradce from the 5th until the 6th of February 2011. The aim of this work shop was for each organization to present its action plans on advocacy that were given in the first workshop in Bitola and get feedback from the trainers and the rest of the participants.
Sonja Risteska took part in the second workshop on advocacy and lobbying organized by TACSO in Kocani, Gradce from the 5th until the 6th of February 2011. The aim of this work shop was for each organization to present its action plans on advocacy that were given in the first workshop in Bitola and get feedback from the trainers and the rest of the participants. The overall aim of the training was for the participants to understand the concepts of advocacy and the elements of the advocacy process and to develop the necessary skills to plan and carry out an effective advocacy campaign. Apart from that, the participants had the chance to discuss about different types of debates as another tool for advocating their ideas and plans.