Second Graduate Student Conference: “Implementing Energy Efficiency through Renewable Energy Solutions - are Southeast European Countries on track?”

On the 14th of June 2010, Analytica organized its Second EE and RES Conference at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies in Skopje. This conference is part of a bigger project that Analytica is conducting called Energy policy, EU and the Western Balkans: challenges of reforms and accession - Republic of Macedonia as a case study financed by the European Fund for the Balkans in Belgrade, Serbia. The participants at the workshop were professors, PhD candidates, officials from the Energy Agency and the EU Mission in Skopje, professionals working in the field of energy, civil society organizations and post-graduate students from Macedonia, Serbia, Kosovo, Germany and other countries giving presentations on the topics of New Energy Efficiency Trends in the Western Balkans, Renewable Energy Technologies, Solar Energy Solutions and Regional Cooperation on EE and RES matters.