Regional research on the Independent State Institutions and their impact on the democratization of the security sector


Security Research Fellow Magdalena Lembovska took part at the promotion of the regional research on Independent State Institutions and their Role in Democratization of the Security Sector.


Security Research Fellow Magdalena Lembovska took part at the promotion of the regional research on Independent State Institutions and their Role in Democratization of the Security Sector. The event was organized by the Belgrade Sector for Security Policy in Hotel Balkan, Belgrade (17th of April).
The research is composed by independent analysis from seven thinks tanks from different countries from Western Balkans. Author of the Macedonian chapter is Islam Yusufi, member of the Founding Council of Analytica with contributions of Magdalena Lembovska and Andreja Bogdanovski, both research fellows. At the event, researchers from Western Balkans countries elaborated the main findings referring to their countries and Ms. Lembovska presented the case of Macedonia.
The participants assessed that the monitoring of public procurement and spending money in the armed forces, police and security - intelligence agencies is no longer a "mission impossible" even though the time when this type of supervision will become a regular practice is still far away. At the conference was told that there is a gap between legal provisions which prescribe jurisdiction of independent state institutions, and their effective implementation. This is visible when the provisions that guarantee independence of state institutions are used. In some countries, certain institutions remain beyond the reach of independent state institutions control.