Promotional event for the policy brief “Risks of corruption in public private partnership in Macedonia”

prisks_eOn 20 November 2014 in the municipality of Bitola took place the promotion of the policy analysis Risks of corruption in public private partnership in Macedonia organized by Analytica.



On 20 November 2014 in the municipality of Bitola took place the promotion of the policy analysis Risks of corruption in public private partnership in Macedonia organized by Analytica. The aim of the event was to start a discussion on the risks of corruption in the area of public private partnership at local level in Macedonia. The event took place in the municipality of Bitola since this municipality was assessed to be a good example in conducting the procedure on issuing public private partnership agreement as well as undertaking preventive measures against corruption in the process.

At the event the representative of the municipality of Bitola, Slobodan Boncanoski, presented the experience of Bitola in the area. The municipality of Bitola has granted one public private partnership agreement and has other projects on public private partnership in preparation, all which take into consideration the procedures on fight against corruption. Aleksandar Talimdjioski, representative of the CSOs Watchdog Network to Prevent Spoils and Conflict of Interest in the Public Administration mentioned the idea behind the network, which is to enhance the role and contribution of civil society in good governance and the process of EU integration. Ana Stojilovska from Analytica talked about the policy analysis she authored Risks of corruption in public private partnership in Macedonia, which aim is to check the concluded agreements on public private partnership of the local authorities in terms of corruptive behavior as well as to map gaps in the Law on concessions and public private partnership and its implementation which could allow corruption. The overall aim is contributing towards an improved implementation of the Law on concessions and public private partnership and towards the fight against corruption at local level. The paper encompassed three municipalities and concluded that the procedure the Law on concessions and public private partnership envisages, reduces the risk of corruption and that a single reference to corruption was in a case of implementing an agreement on public private partnership, also described as personal and small, which refers to the subtleness of the form in which a corruption would eventually appear.

The paper Risks of corruption in public private partnership in Macedonia is prepared as part of the project “Research on corruption in public private partnership at local level” supported by the Institute for Democracy “Societas Civilis” Skopje (IDSCS), the Ohrid Institute for Economic Strategies and International Relations (OI) and the Macedonian Institute for Media (MIM), implemented in the framework of the project “CSOs Watchdog Network to Prevent Spoils and Conflict of Interest in the Public Administration”, funded by the EU through the IPA Civil Society Facility.

The policy analysis Risks of corruption in public private partnership in Macedonia in Macedonian can be accessed here.

Pictures of the conference can be found here.

For more information on the project, please contact Ana Stojilovska This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..