Journalism trainings

Journalism trainings

We are happy to announce that we have started with trainings on security sector for media students and young journalists from Macedonia.  Six students have been selected from number of applicants to attend monthly trainings on security issues coverage.

The trainings cover wide range of security related issues starting from mapping Macedonia’s security sector to information warfare and international security. The trainings are held by our experience security research fellows Andreja Bogdanovski and Magdalena Lembovska. Additionally we aim providing special guest trainer on each training session which would enhance the quality of the content provided. Training sessions will be held over a period of seven months and it is financially supported by the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of the Armed Forces (DCAF).

Additionally we would also launch an online platform where participants will write media articles related with security and over time should evolve into a unique virtual place for posting news stories on topics that affect the security of the regular citizen of Macedonia as well as getting information about international security phenomena.

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