Inter-regional Workshop on Cross-Border Cooperation, Chisinau - Moldova, 24-26 June

From 24-26 June, 2010, Agim Selami participated at the "Inter-regional Workshop on Cross-Border Cooperation" held in Chisinau, Moldova. The event was organized by the International Centre for Democratic Transition and it is part of a two year project, implemented in close cooperation with a variety of governmental and civil society stakeholders from two different groups of countries (the Western Balkans and the countries participating in the EU's recently launched Eastern Partnership), linked based on their relationship in the framework of European Union policies. From 24-26 June, 2010, Agim Selami participated at the "Inter-regional Workshop on Cross-Border Cooperation" held in Chisinau, Moldova. The event was organized by the International Centre for Democratic Transition and it is part of a two year project, implemented in close cooperation with a variety of governmental and civil society stakeholders from two different groups of countries (the Western Balkans and the countries participating in the EU's recently launched Eastern Partnership), linked based on their relationship in the framework of European Union policies.