Beyond Frozen Conflicts in South East Europe


On 23 and 24 September, Analytica's Security Research Fellow, Andreja Bogdanovski took part in the Joint Workshop of the Partnership for Peace Consortium Study Group "Regional Stability in South East Europe" and the Kosovar Institute for Policy Research and Development. The topic of the conference was titled "Beyond Frozen Conflicts in South East Europe: the Belgrade-Pristina/Pristina-Belgrade Dialogue and its Regional Implications".


On 23 and 24 September, Analytica's Security Research Fellow, Andreja Bogdanovski took part in the Joint Workshop of the Partnership for Peace Consortium Study Group "Regional Stability in South East Europe" and the Kosovar Institute for Policy Research and Development. The topic of the conference was titled "Beyond Frozen Conflicts in South East Europe: the Belgrade-Pristina/Pristina-Belgrade Dialogue and its Regional Implications". Representatives of different CSOs, Defense Academies, Embassies and political parties provided the participants with an insight of the current developments in Northern Kosovo putting an emphasis on how the technical dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina can proceed without being hampered by the recent developments on the ground. An additional emphasis was also put on the human security aspect in relation to the functioning of the so called "parallel structures" in Kosovo and the level of integratedness of the ethical Serbs living in Kosovo. Talking about the possible regional implications as a result of the ever increasing segregation of the views of Pristina and Belgrade and the recent violence in Northern Kosovo, the panelists agreed that discussing about secession of Northern Kosovo can imply negative processes around the region that can additionally slow down the EU and NATO integration processes hence such an approach is not a viable solution.
The Partnership for Peace Consortium of Defense Academies and Security Studies Institutes is a voluntary international association of institutes of higher learning in defense and security affairs that is supported by the United States, Germany, Austria, Switzerland and NATO.