Analytica sent suggestions to the Program for Work of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia for 2015

Analytica sent suggestions to the Program for Work of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia for 2015

Analytica continues with its practice to send suggestions each year for the following year’s Program for Work of the Government of Macedonia. For the second time, Analytica’s researchers Magdalena Lembovska, Andreja Bogdanovski and Ana Stojilovska prepared suggestions to the Program for Work of the Government for 2015 in the areas of energy and security.

The suggestions are based on Analytica’s research and project results in these areas conducted in 2013 and 2014. The suggested reforms go in direction of tackling energy poverty, improved cooperation between the security and energy sectors and the civil society, improved efficiency of the security and energy sectors, support for local gasification projects, improved parliamentary financial oversight of intelligence services, better tackling illegal migration and asylum seekers, better preparations for civilian contribution to peace operations, as well as how to respond to the foreign fighters treat.

The complete document with Analytica’s suggestions can be accessed here.

The respective institutions’ responses to these suggestions of Analytica can be accessed here:

Ministry of Transport and Communications

Ministry of Economy

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Energy Agency