Analytica at the event: Democratic Backsliding in the Western Balkans: What Should the EU’s Role Be?
Our Security Research Fellow Magdalena Lembovska took part in the event titled "Democratic Backsliding in the Western Balkans: What Should the EU’s Role Be?" that took part on 30 June 2017 in Berlin, Germany. The event is part of the Brussels Briefing series, organized by the DGAP’s Alfred von Oppenheim Center for European Policy Studies.
Michael Kartnitschnig
Head of Commissioner Hahn’s Cabinet European Neighborhood Policy and
Enlargement Negotiations, European Commission
Dr. Christian Hellbach
Special Envoy for South-Eastern Europe, Turkey,
and the EFTA States, German Federal Foreign Office
Magdalena Lembovska
Research Fellow, Analytica, Macedonia
Bogdan Urošević
Program Coordinator, Belgrade Fund for Political Excellence, Serbia
Sarah Wohlfeld
Program Officer, Alfred von Oppenheim Center
Magdalena Lembovska and Bogdan Urosevic provided their inputs as alumni of the TRAIN Programme.